Copyright Notice

Content ownership

All content on, including but not limited to text, images, graphics, logos, videos, and design elements, is exclusively owned by Plunge Magic LLC, unless otherwise specified by other rights holders.

copyright protection

All content on this website is protected by global copyright law and international treaties. Without explicit written permission from Plunge Magic LLC, any form of reproduction, distribution, modification, or other unauthorized use is prohibited.

Trademark Disclaimer

Plunge Magic is a registered trademark of Plunge Magic LLC. All other trademarks and brand names mentioned on this website are the property of their respective holders and may not be used without authorization.

Copyright infringement notice

If you believe that certain content on infringes on your copyright, please send an email to Has the following information:

  • Provide a detailed description of the copyrighted work that you believe has been infringed upon.
  • Suspected infringing content on
  • Your contact information, including name, address, phone number, and email address.
  • A statement indicating that you believe in good faith that the disputed use was not authorized by the copyright owner, their agent, or the law.A statement that you made under the penalty of perjury, confirming that the information in the notice is accurate and that you are the copyright owner or authorized to act on behalf of the copyright owner.

Contact us

If you have any questions about the copyright statement or require authorization to use the content on, please contact us through the following methods:

  • Address: Plunge Magic LLC, 1111B S Governors Ave, STE 20444,Dover,DE 19904,USA